Friday, January 6, 2017

Something New

Trying Something New

The other day when Nicole and I were at the gym, I talked to a lady (I always talk to people). She teaches classes and has lost over 120 pounds herself. She told me about MacroNutrients. It is close to what I had been doing. I need to change somethings to loose my last 20 pounds. The real programs cost money (of course). Gotta love pintrest. Found all kinds of info and studied it.
Now I am on my own.
Working on doing my best to understand and follow it.

So today was my first day and I didnt eat enough of my Macros. UGH!
Maybe tomorrow will be better. I am not hungry though.
So today was something new.
I will try to keep this going and let you know how it goes.
So much to learn about food and eating. Have to understand the way your body works with food to use it all correctly.

Friday, December 30, 2016

Just another day

I missed working out yesterday so today was a double up. With the Holidays and all its been a bit crazy. I miss my regular work out buddy but I have had time with other friends too. I love helping people (not that I really Know what I am doing).
I have been having fun. Now I have to get back on track with my eating. 20 pounds seem like forever. I wish I could loose it like I lost the first 100. I just feel like eating everything.
I dont know if it is depression or just giving up. Seems much easier to throw the towel in.
I know I have come so far and I need my will power back. I am still faithfully going to the gym, but eating bad doesnt do a thing. 
I have to remind myself MANY times how to eat. So tomorrow is a new day and there are less sweets in the house. These Carbs are a killer though. I feel like crap because of my eating. All the sugars just make me feel so bloated and fat. I know what I have to do, now just to do it.
Please when you have a chance please pray for me. I need some of my ambition back.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Mirror, Mirror

Mirror, Mirror

When I look in the mirror, I see nothing has changed.  100 pounds you would think the change would be huge. Well, its not to yourself. I know I am not the only that feels that way. One reason I think it is important to keep a before picture.
Looking in the mirror, I see my same round face and unorganized body.
What do you see when you look in the mirror?
I pray everyday to give me the eyes of my husband.
He sees me and beautiful and I see myself as Not beautiful.
He sees my weight loss and I see myself not down a pound. 
He sees me from the inside out and I see myself from the outside in.
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall.......
It makes me depressed looking at myself, and I want to add Depression is a real, very real thing.
I can cry a whole day over stuff like MYSELF.
Would you call that Insecurity?
Or just Fat Eye Glasses?
Maybe just use to what you are always looking at.
Now If I hold a now picture and an old picture then I can see the difference, I don't feel different. 
Maybe the mirror adds 10 pounds like everyone says.
So if you are working on weight loss, make sure you have a before picture. 
Sometimes the only way to notice is to see the past!

Sunday, December 18, 2016

One Roll at a Time

New Workout Friend

Today I went to work out with another friend. She signed up and is on her way to a healthier life style. It is all a mind set as she says. We have to change one mind set at a time. It is not a diet or working out. Lets say eating healthy or clean eating, or it is our play time. 
We have to change our bodies "One Roll at a Time"
Today was my leg work out day but we did abs. I hope I didn't hurt her to bad. She learned a lot today and I believe she enjoyed it. I hope she enjoyed it at least.
I think when you work out with someone else it makes it easier to get through the "Playtime". It may be a way to push yourself more. It is best to have an accountability partner. Having more than one is even better. I like to have others to go with when my main partner cant go. I always say "More the Merrier".

Thursday, December 15, 2016

I went to the gym today. Did my workout with Nicole. Some days you just don't feel like doing anything. I showed up physically but mentally not to sure. It was arms day.
We figure if we show up at the gym and did some things, then that is further a head than sitting on the couch.
Now tonight my abs are starting to get sore from yesterday. No Pain No Gain.
I am laying here in bed wondering what to write about. I am trying to warm up because it is so cold out in the barn milking and doing our chores.
My feet are FROZEN!
Taking someone new for a ride at the gym tomorrow and talk to her about measure, weight and pictures. You regret if you don't do any of them. I like to see progress in one area to keep me motivated. So I downloaded a measurement chart to share. 

The second chart is the measurements I use. I hope you can find one you like or can print off the ones I posted on here. 
Make sure when taking pictures you do front, back and side. When you do a second picture make sure you wear the same clothes. 
Someplace there will be a difference to keep you encouraged. If you have any questions please ask. I will do my best to answer you.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

How Bad Do You Want It?

I know I have not written much. Dealing with my own let downs and falls. I should write about them but it is super hard. I have not lost anything for sometime. I have been up and down the same 5 pounds and loosing my mind. I saw the above quote and asked myself: "How bad do I want it?"
Maybe that is my problem, I am getting to the point where I am sorta satisfied where I am when I really am not. I want more. 
Are we ever happy?
I do want to hit at least 165 pounds and between 172-177 is my hang out. 
How bad do I want it?
I do want it! I need to yell, I WANT IT! There, now I really want it right?

 Have to keep starting over again and again. It will be a battle for the rest of my life. Changing the way you eat is very hard and have to learn to keep it going. I have a few accountability partners and a husband that is encouraging. 
Like I say, I have to keep on keeping. Want to give up but every morning is a new day and a new way. Lets keep working hard all together and learn to change our eating lifestyle.
I often get asked "How are you doing it?"
Not often do I get asked WHY I am doing it but a couple times that has come out of the mouths of people. My answer will always be the same. To be healthier for myself, kids and husband. I am not on a diet I am on a healthy eating change. So how am I doing it? The old way, eating clean and not all the processed and sugars.

Well today is "Workout Wednesday" so another name is "Pump Day"
ABS was it for me.
My trainer has us doing Arms on Monday, Legs on Tuesday and Abs on Wednesday and start over again. I have been going to the gym 5 or 6 times a week. Not seeing any Changes except in the shape. Maybe my fat will start melting off slowly. I made my fat cry today. I was on the arc trainer for 30 min and went 1.62 miles.

9 Months of a healthier lifestyle does this!
Heading to the barn so this is the end of my post. Hope you enjoy the rest of your day!

Friday, November 18, 2016

We Can!!!

 Just keep on Keeping!

I'm sorry its been so long. I have been at such a stand still for everything. I guess its good I am not gaining weight. 
Kelli measured me before she left for Florida and would be gone 10 weeks. She also took pictures, I have the pictures to show what 5 weeks of dedicating 6 days a week to the gym.

To look at these pictures make me want to keep it up. Had no idea it is real. 
When you look at yourself everyday, You just don't notice.
So DO NOT give up. You might not see it but I am sure others do. 

I started a support group type thing. An app where we all can talk and have support. Want to join? Need to let me know. I expect people to check in regularly.

Know with hard work, shear dedication you can do anything.
Please go back and read my story if you dont think you can. Trust me I thought there were magic pills and diets out there. NO there isnt. You have to want it so bad you can taste it.